Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Today’s winning venison recipe: take one large deer, one AK-47…

While I was being inundated over the past 24 hours with news of the Virginia Tech shootings, I found some comic relief in a really funny website that is definitely worth checking out: WWW.NRA.ORG.

I was impressed by the level of sophistication of the social and political satire on this website. I am pretty sure it was created by the same guys behind The Onion and the Daily Show.

I especially like the bits about the sanctity of the 2nd amendment, and how important it is to allow people to own semi- and fully-automatic firearms, so that those people can hunt things, even if the availability of said guns costs thousands of innocent lives every year. Really funny stuff, but thank God it was just a joke. I mean could you even imagine if that organization was the most powerful lobby group in the United States? Scary!


Monday, April 02, 2007

This Week in Culture: Cool Britannia / Hot Judaica

Happy Passover. Speaking of the Chosen People, I choose her:


Let's review: a London-born, jazz-singing, jewish nymph with a smooth-yet-gravelly voice, a comical contempt for rehab, and penchants for inspired drinking and pin-up girl tattoos. And she's Jewish, did I mention that? I'll concede that she looks pretty skinny in the video, but that's nothing that can't be alleviated by carbo-loading on an all-matzoh diet. Passover is totally rad sometimes.